Bariatric Surgery- A Boon for Uncontrolled Diabetes

You can never imagine the life of an extremely obese person. Having been one personally, I know the plight of an overweight woman. One can never live a normal life and is always prone to stress and some or the other disease. But, the worst of all is the social stigma. The stares that people pass your way, the hidden giggles, the fun they make, have a deep impact on one’s confidence and will to live. The pain is aggravated with the failure of maintain a strict diet and exercising to lower the obesity. You are lethargic all day and get tired very soon. Low stamina does not make anyone feel very good.

The worst thing of all is the uncontrollable urge to eat. It’s not like the person doesn’t want to lose weight, it’s the failure to control the desire to eat and eat all day long. The people, who are on the healthier side, have a major issue of heart problems and sugar problems. Diabetes is a part and parcel of their lives. Keeping all this in mind, the doctors devised a new surgery for weight loss, bariatric surgery. It is arguably considered that Bariatric Surgery- a Boon for Uncontrolled Diabetes has its long term effects.

For understanding its importance and functioning, we first need to admit that obesity in itself is a disease. Chubby cheeks are adorable only on children who are young and being fit is any day a better choice over being fat. But, our modern and busy lifestyles coupled with the shortage of exercises and the bad food habits have resulted in the bulging sides. The most natural way to lose fat is by maintain a diet and exercising, but when it comes to those who are highly over weight, how do they help themselves? People having a Body Mass Index of over 40 have no way to shed off those extra pounds as the fat has become stacked over them.

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That is when bariatric surgery comes to their aid. Basically, their stomach, which has bloated with extra intake of food is cut down and made smaller. This lowers their diet as they cannot eat like a normal human. Their stomach is of the size of a toddler; hence their diet is much lesser. This stops the intake of any new calories and so their body starts using the deposited calories, helping them burn the age old deposited fat in their bodies. This also makes their body not take up any sugar, keeping their diabetes in check. This gives them a chance to live a healthier life. Now, if they try to lose that weight, it’s easier. The results can be seen and hence, they are more motivated to work and shed of those extra pounds.


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