Weight Loss Program in El Paso, Texas

According to the national obesity watchdog website www.stateofobesity.org, Texas is now the 15th most obese state in the nation. Texas' current obesity rate is 30.9%, up from 25% in 2004 and 10% in 1990. The statistics show that obesity in Texas has tripled in the last generation of 25 years.

Demographically, women are more obese than men. The most obese age group is 45-64 followed by 26-44. Ethnically, blacks in Texas have the highest rate of obesity (38%) followed by Latinos (35%). Rate of obesity in Texas high school students has remained fairly constant at about 15% since 2003.

Dr. John Thomas of El Paso, TX

The State of Obesity website provides data on obesity-related health issues, and future projections which are a big cause for concern. Current rate of adult diabetes is 11% with nearly two million cases, but that number is expected to grow to almost three million by 2030. There are currently 1.2 million cases of obesity-related heart disease. That number is expected to grow to nearly 5.7 million by 2030.

According Susan Combs, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, full two-thirds of Texans are overweight or obese. Currently (as of 2013), obesity-related costs for businesses in Texas are $9.5 billion. This number is projected to grow to $32.5 billion by 2030. "These costs consume a growing share of economic output that could otherwise support more productive activities. Obesity-related costs also contribute to rising health care and insurance costs that have forced some Texas employers to reduce insurance coverage."

California Medical Weight Management is a physician-supervised, medical weight management program with two locations in El Paso, Lubbock, San Antonio, Amarillo and Farwell, Texas. California Medical Weight Management provides a three-step, non-surgical approach to weight loss. The three-step program, which includes rapid weight loss, followed by transition and maintenance, has helped over 50,000 nationwide to reach and maintain their healthy body weight.

To learn more about California Medical Weight Management, visit their website at www.calmwm.com. To see actual patient testimonial videos, visit CalMWM's YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/calmwmcom


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